How can you train your jaw muscles? We explain how to get a beautiful jawline!
You can transform the shape of your face, your face consists of muscles, they can also be trained, you just have to know how! Training the jawline is easier than you think.In this article I will explain to you step by step how to train your jaw muscles at home in a few minutes. In the beginning you will find exercises that you can easily do without training equipment. Then we will continue with workouts for which you need special training gadgets.
All exercises are specifically designed to activate the chewing muscles, these are the muscles directly above your jawbone and the muscles responsible for the chewing process. Through targeted training they enlarge and provide a striking, strong jawline and the well-known attractive, beautiful jawline!
I recommend repeating the exercises at least 3 times per week for best long-term results.
1. Moon kissing:
Stretch your neck and look up. Now form your lips into a kiss shape and try to stretch your lower lip as far up as possible. You should feel a pull in your throat and jaw. Repeat the kissing exercise 30 times and then take a break for 5 minutes.2. Side kiss: (side kiss)
Form your mouth into a kiss. Then first pull the right corner of your mouth up as far as possible. Try to hold the position for 3 seconds and relax the corners of your mouth for a moment. Now repeat the exercise on the left side and pull the corner of your left mouth up as far as possible. Try to hold the position for at least 3 seconds again. Relax the corners of your mouth and repeat this exercise 30-60 times. You will notice that the muscles around your mouth and cheeks get tired.3. Lip press: (Pressing lips together)
First press your upper and lower jaw together and then start pressing your lips and corners of your mouth together. This exercise requires all the muscles in your mouth and jaw to tense. Stay in the tensed position for 10 seconds and then release. This is a very good exercise and should not be repeated more than 5 times for beginners. As soon as you notice that your facial and jaw muscles are not sufficiently trained, you can repeat the exercise 10 times.4. Crazy Grin:
Form your mouth into a wide grin and try to stretch the corners of your mouth as far as possible in both directions. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds. Try to extend the grin position each time to increase the efficiency of your workout.
5. Cheek stretch:
Fill both cheeks with air. Make sure you keep as much air in your cheeks as possible. Your cheek and mouth muscles should stretch. Hold this position for 3 minutes. Try to blow more air into your cheeks each time without letting air relax through your mouth and hold it again for a moment. Then relax for a moment by moving your mouth loosely. You will notice that your mouth and cheek muscles have to work hard not to lose air during the exercise.6. Stretching the mouth
Open your mouth as wide as possible and try to hold the position for 60 seconds. Then, in the open position, begin to open your mouth even more. You will feel your jaw muscles stretch and lengthen. Repeat the stretch 10 times and then relax your mouth. During the exercise, you will notice your jaw joints moving in and out. If you feel any discomfort or if the stretch is painful or uncomfortable, stop the exercise and consult your doctor.7. Bite and Hold with Jawliner
For these exercises I would recommend the Jawliner. If you don’t have a Jawliner at hand: take a wine cork, cut it in 2 pieces so that you have two long pieces of the same size, similar to the Jawliner. Take both Jawliners (or wine corks) and place them on your two back molars. Close your mouth and slowly bite down halfway. Be careful not to bite down as hard as you can, this is bad for your teeth. Never do this exercise without something between your teeth. Biting down without resistance between the biting surfaces is bad for your teeth! Also make sure you use certified equipment from brands like Jawliner. The original Jawliner has been tested by German laboratories to the highest standards for harmful substances and components. Alternatives from China may not have such high safety standards and in the worst case may not have been tested by orthodontists.8. Chew fast with Jawliner
For this exercise you will need some kind of hard chewing gum. We recommend our Jawliner! In my experience it is the hardest and most durable chewing gum on the market. Mastik Resin or Falim gum are also okay, but not as strong and therefore not as effective. Put the gum in your mouth and bite down quickly. You can go all the way down so that your gum is completely cut off once. Make sure you do not make any rotating chewing movements, but move your jaws up and down in a controlled manner. Repeat this process 30 times. In the beginning you will not be able to do 30 repetitions and your jaw muscles will be exhausted after just a few bites. Then take a 2 minute break and repeat the exercises again until you have reached 30 repetitions.Enter your email address below and receive the FREE E-book to easily follow the training overview and see clear images of the corresponding exercises.